About Outreach Moldova (ORM)
Outreach Moldova (ORM) was set up by a Dublin based Irish Medical Doctor in 2000 who had traveled to Moldova as part of a Humanitarian Aid trip to multiple orphanages and residential institutions. On returning to Ireland she decided to set up an organisation that would provide more practical ongoing services to the most vulnerable children living in state care. The children have been abandoned or orphaned; all had a special or extra need and were in serious need of a multidisciplinary approach towards their care and their lives. With over 18 years of experience on the ground, ORM is an Irish Charity that excels in the provision of care with the input of large national and international professional specialist teams. We have had the privilege of supporting thousands of children in need throughout Moldova.
There is a huge movement worldwide to reduce the numbers of children being left behind in orphanages and progress is being made, including in Moldova. Progress is slower for those who who already live within the State Institutions, especially for those who have extra or special needs. It is our belief that every child should have access to essential care, medical care, rehabilitation services, education, social & all available supports at each stage of their development. Their very existence demands just that. ORM provides these professional services which make all the difference in the daily health and happiness of these very vulnerable children.
Our work is only possible through the generous support of the Irish people
Specialist Care
Support Services
Supported hospital stays
Days of Care
Rehab support