Staff Fundraising

ORM can work with employees to develop a range of creative fundraising opportunities that encourage staff participation and motivation, and raise vital funds for children at the same time. ORM can work with your business to help plan and organise successful fundraising initiatives.
Simple ideas like quiz evenings, dress down days, raffles and sponsored events are always successful and are an ideal way of involving the whole company.
A range of benefits can be introduced to your business via staff fundraising, including:
Enhanced employee motivation
Assistance with staff development and team building
A chance for you to demonstrate clear commitment to your staff
Case study – Accenture Ireland
Accenture employees raise funds for ORM’s work in Moldova through lots of different ways. An example of their fundraising was a staff team building day where employees raised more than €20,000 in one day. Accenture then matched the employee’s total, bringing their overall donation to approx €40,000. Accenture takes corporate social responsibility and community spirit very seriously and even goes as far as giving employees that travel for volunteer positions to Moldova one week’s paid leave and covers the cost of their flights. They are a leading light in proactive companies that adopt corporate social responsibility.